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Link ea to steam apex

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General manager of Apex franchise Greg Wilson explained that while Respawn wasn't able to "keep that one going at the level of quality that we expect in a very different position with on PC and consoles."

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News of Respawn's latest studio arrives not long after the cancellation of Apex Legends Mobile.

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Respawn CEO Vince Zampella added,"We believe in Apex as a franchise that's going to be around for 10, 15 years or more and we're excited to make that happen." "Building the live service of Apex is a constant cycle of trying new things and experimenting," Apex Legends director Steven Ferreira told, "and that's what Wisconsin is going to give us – that capacity to do more of that, pushing into new area like Legend classes and trying to do things we haven't done before." Watch on YouTube Apex Legends' latest season, Revelry, launched in February.

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